Hello and welcome to Year 1/2

In Year 1/2 our Class Teachers are: Mr Goodlad, Ms Collinge and Miss Miah.

Our Teaching Assistant's are: Miss Bennett, Mrs Crank, Miss Baskeyfield, Mrs McLoughlin, Mrs Ives and Miss Coles. 


If you have any questions or concerns then please speak to your child's class teacher.

Mr Goodlad - joshua.goodlad@greave.stockport.sch.uk

Ms Collinge - tatiana.collinge@greave.stockport.sch.uk

Miss Miah - ameera.miah@greave.stockport.sch.uk

We are starting off as tiny caterpillars but by the end of the year we will all be spreading our wings as butterflies and flying high in our learning.  

The Caterpillar And The Butterfly - International Story | It's Time to  Meditate

To support you with this year, below are various resources which can be used to support your child’s learning at home as well as in school. We have an exciting year ahead of us with some great theme topics including the Great Fire of London, Great Explorers and exploring our local area. We are learning to be mathematicians, writers, readers, scientists, designers, artists, historians and geographers – what a busy life we have!! We are also learning how to work collaboratively, independently and confidently whilst showing perseverance and resililience. 


Our days for PE are:

1/2C - Thursday

1/2M & 1/2G - Friday


Forest School:

Autumn 1 - 1/2C

Autumn 2 - 1/2M

Spring 1 - 1/2G

What are we learning this year?



The children will receive their new spellings on a Friday and will be tested the following week. Please take the time to support your child while they practise their spellings, although this should be something they can do independently.  Please see below an overview for the spellings for the first Autumn half term. 

Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Spring 1 King Charles II.pdf .pdf
Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Spring 1 Pudding Lane.pdf .pdf
Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Spring 1 Samuel Pepys.pdf .pdf


We change reading books every Monday and Thursday. Please spend a couple of minutes every day listening to your child read as this will have a massive impact on the development of their reading skills. If you do read with your child, then please sign their reading record. 

phonics screening practice list 1.pdf

phonics screening practice list 2.pdf

phonics screening practice list 3.pdf


Phonics is an integral part of the KS1 curriculum. Every child will have a 30 minute phonics session each day. We will introduce children to the different sounds and use terminology such as: digraph, trigraph, grapheme and phoneme. Please look through the guide below as this contains a glossary for the terminology. 


At the end of Year 1, the children will sit a national phonics screening check that will assess how secure their phonics knowledge is. 



Your children will receive weekly MyMaths homework. We know how busy homelife can be so there is no pressure to complete your child's MyMaths homework. It is there to supplement the content they've already learnt in school but if you don't get the time then please don't worry. It is optional.


Useful links for parents




Hello and welcome to Year 1/2

In Year 1/2 our Class Teachers are: Mr Goodlad, Ms Collinge and Miss Miah.

Our Teaching Assistant's are: Miss Bennett, Mrs Crank, Miss Baskeyfield, Mrs McLoughlin, Mrs Ives and Miss Coles. 


If you have any questions or concerns then please speak to your child's class teacher.

Mr Goodlad - joshua.goodlad@greave.stockport.sch.uk

Ms Collinge - tatiana.collinge@greave.stockport.sch.uk

Miss Miah - ameera.miah@greave.stockport.sch.uk

We are starting off as tiny caterpillars but by the end of the year we will all be spreading our wings as butterflies and flying high in our learning.  

The Caterpillar And The Butterfly - International Story | It's Time to  Meditate

To support you with this year, below are various resources which can be used to support your child’s learning at home as well as in school. We have an exciting year ahead of us with some great theme topics including the Great Fire of London, Great Explorers and exploring our local area. We are learning to be mathematicians, writers, readers, scientists, designers, artists, historians and geographers – what a busy life we have!! We are also learning how to work collaboratively, independently and confidently whilst showing perseverance and resililience. 


Our days for PE are:

1/2C - Thursday

1/2M & 1/2G - Friday


Forest School:

Autumn 1 - 1/2C

Autumn 2 - 1/2M

Spring 1 - 1/2G

What are we learning this year?



The children will receive their new spellings on a Friday and will be tested the following week. Please take the time to support your child while they practise their spellings, although this should be something they can do independently.  Please see below an overview for the spellings for the first Autumn half term. 

Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Spring 1 King Charles II.pdf .pdf
Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Spring 1 Pudding Lane.pdf .pdf
Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Spring 1 Samuel Pepys.pdf .pdf


We change reading books every Monday and Thursday. Please spend a couple of minutes every day listening to your child read as this will have a massive impact on the development of their reading skills. If you do read with your child, then please sign their reading record. 

phonics screening practice list 1.pdf

phonics screening practice list 2.pdf

phonics screening practice list 3.pdf


Phonics is an integral part of the KS1 curriculum. Every child will have a 30 minute phonics session each day. We will introduce children to the different sounds and use terminology such as: digraph, trigraph, grapheme and phoneme. Please look through the guide below as this contains a glossary for the terminology. 


At the end of Year 1, the children will sit a national phonics screening check that will assess how secure their phonics knowledge is. 



Your children will receive weekly MyMaths homework. We know how busy homelife can be so there is no pressure to complete your child's MyMaths homework. It is there to supplement the content they've already learnt in school but if you don't get the time then please don't worry. It is optional.


Useful links for parents




Hello and welcome to Year 1/2

In Year 1/2 our Class Teachers are: Mr Goodlad, Ms Collinge and Miss Miah.

Our Teaching Assistant's are: Miss Bennett, Mrs Crank, Miss Baskeyfield, Mrs McLoughlin, Mrs Ives and Miss Coles. 


If you have any questions or concerns then please speak to your child's class teacher.

Mr Goodlad - joshua.goodlad@greave.stockport.sch.uk

Ms Collinge - tatiana.collinge@greave.stockport.sch.uk

Miss Miah - ameera.miah@greave.stockport.sch.uk

We are starting off as tiny caterpillars but by the end of the year we will all be spreading our wings as butterflies and flying high in our learning.  

The Caterpillar And The Butterfly - International Story | It's Time to  Meditate

To support you with this year, below are various resources which can be used to support your child’s learning at home as well as in school. We have an exciting year ahead of us with some great theme topics including the Great Fire of London, Great Explorers and exploring our local area. We are learning to be mathematicians, writers, readers, scientists, designers, artists, historians and geographers – what a busy life we have!! We are also learning how to work collaboratively, independently and confidently whilst showing perseverance and resililience. 


Our days for PE are:

1/2C - Thursday

1/2M & 1/2G - Friday


Forest School:

Autumn 1 - 1/2C

Autumn 2 - 1/2M

Spring 1 - 1/2G

What are we learning this year?



The children will receive their new spellings on a Friday and will be tested the following week. Please take the time to support your child while they practise their spellings, although this should be something they can do independently.  Please see below an overview for the spellings for the first Autumn half term. 

Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Spring 1 King Charles II.pdf .pdf
Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Spring 1 Pudding Lane.pdf .pdf
Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Spring 1 Samuel Pepys.pdf .pdf


We change reading books every Monday and Thursday. Please spend a couple of minutes every day listening to your child read as this will have a massive impact on the development of their reading skills. If you do read with your child, then please sign their reading record. 

phonics screening practice list 1.pdf

phonics screening practice list 2.pdf

phonics screening practice list 3.pdf


Phonics is an integral part of the KS1 curriculum. Every child will have a 30 minute phonics session each day. We will introduce children to the different sounds and use terminology such as: digraph, trigraph, grapheme and phoneme. Please look through the guide below as this contains a glossary for the terminology. 


At the end of Year 1, the children will sit a national phonics screening check that will assess how secure their phonics knowledge is. 



Your children will receive weekly MyMaths homework. We know how busy homelife can be so there is no pressure to complete your child's MyMaths homework. It is there to supplement the content they've already learnt in school but if you don't get the time then please don't worry. It is optional.


Useful links for parents




Hello and welcome to Year 1/2

In Year 1/2 our Class Teachers are: Mr Goodlad, Ms Collinge and Miss Miah.

Our Teaching Assistant's are: Miss Bennett, Mrs Crank, Miss Baskeyfield, Mrs McLoughlin, Mrs Ives and Miss Coles. 


If you have any questions or concerns then please speak to your child's class teacher.

Mr Goodlad - joshua.goodlad@greave.stockport.sch.uk

Ms Collinge - tatiana.collinge@greave.stockport.sch.uk

Miss Miah - ameera.miah@greave.stockport.sch.uk

We are starting off as tiny caterpillars but by the end of the year we will all be spreading our wings as butterflies and flying high in our learning.  

The Caterpillar And The Butterfly - International Story | It's Time to  Meditate

To support you with this year, below are various resources which can be used to support your child’s learning at home as well as in school. We have an exciting year ahead of us with some great theme topics including the Great Fire of London, Great Explorers and exploring our local area. We are learning to be mathematicians, writers, readers, scientists, designers, artists, historians and geographers – what a busy life we have!! We are also learning how to work collaboratively, independently and confidently whilst showing perseverance and resililience. 


Our days for PE are:

1/2C - Thursday

1/2M & 1/2G - Friday


Forest School:

Autumn 1 - 1/2C

Autumn 2 - 1/2M

Spring 1 - 1/2G

What are we learning this year?



The children will receive their new spellings on a Friday and will be tested the following week. Please take the time to support your child while they practise their spellings, although this should be something they can do independently.  Please see below an overview for the spellings for the first Autumn half term. 

Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Spring 1 King Charles II.pdf .pdf
Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Spring 1 Pudding Lane.pdf .pdf
Spellings Overview Year 1 and 2 Spring 1 Samuel Pepys.pdf .pdf


We change reading books every Monday and Thursday. Please spend a couple of minutes every day listening to your child read as this will have a massive impact on the development of their reading skills. If you do read with your child, then please sign their reading record. 

phonics screening practice list 1.pdf

phonics screening practice list 2.pdf

phonics screening practice list 3.pdf


Phonics is an integral part of the KS1 curriculum. Every child will have a 30 minute phonics session each day. We will introduce children to the different sounds and use terminology such as: digraph, trigraph, grapheme and phoneme. Please look through the guide below as this contains a glossary for the terminology. 


At the end of Year 1, the children will sit a national phonics screening check that will assess how secure their phonics knowledge is. 



Your children will receive weekly MyMaths homework. We know how busy homelife can be so there is no pressure to complete your child's MyMaths homework. It is there to supplement the content they've already learnt in school but if you don't get the time then please don't worry. It is optional.


Useful links for parents


