Physical Education at Greave

Our PE lessons are planned to enable all children to experience a wide range of sporting activity and to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness.  All pupils take part in some form of physical activity for a minimum of 2 hours each week. Throughout the year, all teachers have the opportunity to work with a PE specialist as CPD to increase the quality and quantity of PE teaching in our school. All our pupils across the year also therefore get the opportunity to be taught by a PE specialist to further enhance their skills progression. An integral part of our PE curriculum is providing opportunities for our children to engage in competitive situations through sport and to promote the idea that sport and physical activity are important aspects in our day to day life; as we move out of the current pandemic we hope that there will be greater opportunities for inter-school competition.

At Key Stage 1 children are taught fundamental movement skills which improve their agility, stamina, speed and strength. They have the opportunity to partake in a variety of co-operative and competitive activities with the focus mainly on developing their physical abilities while introducing the concepts of teamwork, tactics and playing to rules.

At Key Stage 2 the focus shifts to developing pupils' understanding of games/activities and allowing them to apply skills into game situations. Pupils are also encouraged to look at their performance and that of others and begin to recognise how they can improve. All Key Stage 2 children also have the opportunity to go swimming across the year from Years 3-6 to develop their skills of an important lifelong skill. 

Both Key Stage 1 and 2 experience invasion games, gymnastics, dance, fitness, net games, athletics, outdoor activities, striking & fielding games and  outdoor, adventurous activities in Forest School.


To deliver an engaging cross-curricular PE curriculum, in line with national guidelines, that inspires children to take part in different sports and that creates a healthy appetite for physical activity and competition. It should be fully inclusive and give all children the opportunity to harness and improve skills, not just sporting, throughout their lives. Physical education at Greave will instil a love and understanding of how physical activity can positively impact on mental wellbeing and promote positive mental health. Finally there should be a clear progression of skills from EYFS to Year 6 which creates many opportunities for children to develop key skills and knowledge through a variety of activities.


·As part of our PE curriculum we will ensure that we clearly set out skills required to progress from established fundamental movements through to skills required for competitive sports for each year group.  We will ensure that we have a clear assessment framework for each year that is not onerous and can be easily managed to assess skills and ensure progression. We will be committed to organise and run a healthy schools day with tasks and events that promote physical activity and mental wellbeing. We will ensure staff feel supported through staff meeting time and CPD which includes all staff across school to ensure that  PE pedagogy is developed therefore positively impacting confidence in its delivery. We will also plan a school day based on a major sporting event such as the Winter Olympics/Paralympics to inspire and enthuse our pupils.


·We want to see an increase in participation in lunchtime sports and participation in school sporting events. Pupil surveys will show an increase in confidence and positivity about how they feel about sports. Our pupils have a clear understanding of the skills they are developing in lessons and a clear understanding of how a healthy lifestyle impacts mental wellbeing. Finally our teacher's knowledge and skills will have developed through CPD and support from PE leads so that teachers feel more confident in the delivery of PE.



PE National Curriculum
 Primary National Curriculum



Extra curricular sports activities


We have a number of after school sporting activities for our children to take part in. 


Monday 3.15 to 4.30 - Netball for Year 5 and 6

Tuesday 3.15 to 4.10 - Multisports for Y1 - Y6

Thursday - Forest School Club - Year 6


If you would like your child to take part in one of the activities but are struggling financially please get in touch.


Physical Education at Greave

Our PE lessons are planned to enable all children to experience a wide range of sporting activity and to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness.  All pupils take part in some form of physical activity for a minimum of 2 hours each week. Throughout the year, all teachers have the opportunity to work with a PE specialist as CPD to increase the quality and quantity of PE teaching in our school. All our pupils across the year also therefore get the opportunity to be taught by a PE specialist to further enhance their skills progression. An integral part of our PE curriculum is providing opportunities for our children to engage in competitive situations through sport and to promote the idea that sport and physical activity are important aspects in our day to day life; as we move out of the current pandemic we hope that there will be greater opportunities for inter-school competition.

At Key Stage 1 children are taught fundamental movement skills which improve their agility, stamina, speed and strength. They have the opportunity to partake in a variety of co-operative and competitive activities with the focus mainly on developing their physical abilities while introducing the concepts of teamwork, tactics and playing to rules.

At Key Stage 2 the focus shifts to developing pupils' understanding of games/activities and allowing them to apply skills into game situations. Pupils are also encouraged to look at their performance and that of others and begin to recognise how they can improve. All Key Stage 2 children also have the opportunity to go swimming across the year from Years 3-6 to develop their skills of an important lifelong skill. 

Both Key Stage 1 and 2 experience invasion games, gymnastics, dance, fitness, net games, athletics, outdoor activities, striking & fielding games and  outdoor, adventurous activities in Forest School.


To deliver an engaging cross-curricular PE curriculum, in line with national guidelines, that inspires children to take part in different sports and that creates a healthy appetite for physical activity and competition. It should be fully inclusive and give all children the opportunity to harness and improve skills, not just sporting, throughout their lives. Physical education at Greave will instil a love and understanding of how physical activity can positively impact on mental wellbeing and promote positive mental health. Finally there should be a clear progression of skills from EYFS to Year 6 which creates many opportunities for children to develop key skills and knowledge through a variety of activities.


·As part of our PE curriculum we will ensure that we clearly set out skills required to progress from established fundamental movements through to skills required for competitive sports for each year group.  We will ensure that we have a clear assessment framework for each year that is not onerous and can be easily managed to assess skills and ensure progression. We will be committed to organise and run a healthy schools day with tasks and events that promote physical activity and mental wellbeing. We will ensure staff feel supported through staff meeting time and CPD which includes all staff across school to ensure that  PE pedagogy is developed therefore positively impacting confidence in its delivery. We will also plan a school day based on a major sporting event such as the Winter Olympics/Paralympics to inspire and enthuse our pupils.


·We want to see an increase in participation in lunchtime sports and participation in school sporting events. Pupil surveys will show an increase in confidence and positivity about how they feel about sports. Our pupils have a clear understanding of the skills they are developing in lessons and a clear understanding of how a healthy lifestyle impacts mental wellbeing. Finally our teacher's knowledge and skills will have developed through CPD and support from PE leads so that teachers feel more confident in the delivery of PE.



PE National Curriculum
 Primary National Curriculum



Extra curricular sports activities


We have a number of after school sporting activities for our children to take part in. 


Monday 3.15 to 4.30 - Netball for Year 5 and 6

Tuesday 3.15 to 4.10 - Multisports for Y1 - Y6

Thursday - Forest School Club - Year 6


If you would like your child to take part in one of the activities but are struggling financially please get in touch.