
Welcome to our History page. Below you will see the schools statements regarding the teaching and learning of History at Greave. Below this is our curriculum map, progression of skills document and our statement about History in EYFS. 


At Greave Primary School we aim to deliver an engaging and inclusive history curriculum in line with the national curriculum. We will support the children's understanding of chronology by delivering our history  curriculum largely in a sequenced chronological order in conjunction with timelines, allowing  children to develop their understanding of historical concepts and the passing of time as they move through school. Through an enquiry based approach children will develop their curiosity of the past and the world around them, asking and exploring historically valid questions and reporting their findings by drawing on knowledge and skills from across the curriculum. They will learn the fundamental elements of what it means to be a historian and will learn to research, question and compare information they encounter, progressing their understanding of knowledge and skills as they journey through school.



We will develop a comprehensive curriculum map to ensure national curriculum coverage and chronology is delivered.  The development of a progression of skills document to ensure key skills and knowledge are covered throughout school. We will embrace a child led approach to instil a love of learning history through the introduction of an enquiry approach. This will develop skills and aid knowledge retention. Staff will produce enquiry based overviews, led by the children's enquiry, for each unit to ensure that children have ownership of their learning and teachers have an accessible assessment document at the end of the unit of study. Both cross curricular and explicit teaching, is essential to ensure coverage of all skills. Delivery of key vocabulary through repetition and every day use. Pupil voice and termly monitoring of unit overviews – sample book looks.



Ultimately we will see our children leaving for secondary school as confident historians, hungry to learn more. They will be confident in asking questions and in using historical vocabulary and will have a clear perspective of the passing of time and how the study of history impacts the present. Unit overviews will show progression of key skills through and beyond each year group. Pupil voice will show growing understanding and engagement. Celebrations of children's work on display around school, which children understand and are proud of. This will show clear progress through school.

History Skills progression across each key stage.pdf .pdf
curriculum map history and geography 2024-2025.pdf .pdf
EYFS History.pdf .pdf


Welcome to our History page. Below you will see the schools statements regarding the teaching and learning of History at Greave. Below this is our curriculum map, progression of skills document and our statement about History in EYFS. 


At Greave Primary School we aim to deliver an engaging and inclusive history curriculum in line with the national curriculum. We will support the children's understanding of chronology by delivering our history  curriculum largely in a sequenced chronological order in conjunction with timelines, allowing  children to develop their understanding of historical concepts and the passing of time as they move through school. Through an enquiry based approach children will develop their curiosity of the past and the world around them, asking and exploring historically valid questions and reporting their findings by drawing on knowledge and skills from across the curriculum. They will learn the fundamental elements of what it means to be a historian and will learn to research, question and compare information they encounter, progressing their understanding of knowledge and skills as they journey through school.



We will develop a comprehensive curriculum map to ensure national curriculum coverage and chronology is delivered.  The development of a progression of skills document to ensure key skills and knowledge are covered throughout school. We will embrace a child led approach to instil a love of learning history through the introduction of an enquiry approach. This will develop skills and aid knowledge retention. Staff will produce enquiry based overviews, led by the children's enquiry, for each unit to ensure that children have ownership of their learning and teachers have an accessible assessment document at the end of the unit of study. Both cross curricular and explicit teaching, is essential to ensure coverage of all skills. Delivery of key vocabulary through repetition and every day use. Pupil voice and termly monitoring of unit overviews – sample book looks.



Ultimately we will see our children leaving for secondary school as confident historians, hungry to learn more. They will be confident in asking questions and in using historical vocabulary and will have a clear perspective of the passing of time and how the study of history impacts the present. Unit overviews will show progression of key skills through and beyond each year group. Pupil voice will show growing understanding and engagement. Celebrations of children's work on display around school, which children understand and are proud of. This will show clear progress through school.

History Skills progression across each key stage.pdf .pdf
curriculum map history and geography 2024-2025.pdf .pdf
EYFS History.pdf .pdf


Welcome to our History page. Below you will see the schools statements regarding the teaching and learning of History at Greave. Below this is our curriculum map, progression of skills document and our statement about History in EYFS. 


At Greave Primary School we aim to deliver an engaging and inclusive history curriculum in line with the national curriculum. We will support the children's understanding of chronology by delivering our history  curriculum largely in a sequenced chronological order in conjunction with timelines, allowing  children to develop their understanding of historical concepts and the passing of time as they move through school. Through an enquiry based approach children will develop their curiosity of the past and the world around them, asking and exploring historically valid questions and reporting their findings by drawing on knowledge and skills from across the curriculum. They will learn the fundamental elements of what it means to be a historian and will learn to research, question and compare information they encounter, progressing their understanding of knowledge and skills as they journey through school.



We will develop a comprehensive curriculum map to ensure national curriculum coverage and chronology is delivered.  The development of a progression of skills document to ensure key skills and knowledge are covered throughout school. We will embrace a child led approach to instil a love of learning history through the introduction of an enquiry approach. This will develop skills and aid knowledge retention. Staff will produce enquiry based overviews, led by the children's enquiry, for each unit to ensure that children have ownership of their learning and teachers have an accessible assessment document at the end of the unit of study. Both cross curricular and explicit teaching, is essential to ensure coverage of all skills. Delivery of key vocabulary through repetition and every day use. Pupil voice and termly monitoring of unit overviews – sample book looks.



Ultimately we will see our children leaving for secondary school as confident historians, hungry to learn more. They will be confident in asking questions and in using historical vocabulary and will have a clear perspective of the passing of time and how the study of history impacts the present. Unit overviews will show progression of key skills through and beyond each year group. Pupil voice will show growing understanding and engagement. Celebrations of children's work on display around school, which children understand and are proud of. This will show clear progress through school.

History Skills progression across each key stage.pdf .pdf
curriculum map history and geography 2024-2025.pdf .pdf
EYFS History.pdf .pdf


Welcome to our History page. Below you will see the schools statements regarding the teaching and learning of History at Greave. Below this is our curriculum map, progression of skills document and our statement about History in EYFS. 


At Greave Primary School we aim to deliver an engaging and inclusive history curriculum in line with the national curriculum. We will support the children's understanding of chronology by delivering our history  curriculum largely in a sequenced chronological order in conjunction with timelines, allowing  children to develop their understanding of historical concepts and the passing of time as they move through school. Through an enquiry based approach children will develop their curiosity of the past and the world around them, asking and exploring historically valid questions and reporting their findings by drawing on knowledge and skills from across the curriculum. They will learn the fundamental elements of what it means to be a historian and will learn to research, question and compare information they encounter, progressing their understanding of knowledge and skills as they journey through school.



We will develop a comprehensive curriculum map to ensure national curriculum coverage and chronology is delivered.  The development of a progression of skills document to ensure key skills and knowledge are covered throughout school. We will embrace a child led approach to instil a love of learning history through the introduction of an enquiry approach. This will develop skills and aid knowledge retention. Staff will produce enquiry based overviews, led by the children's enquiry, for each unit to ensure that children have ownership of their learning and teachers have an accessible assessment document at the end of the unit of study. Both cross curricular and explicit teaching, is essential to ensure coverage of all skills. Delivery of key vocabulary through repetition and every day use. Pupil voice and termly monitoring of unit overviews – sample book looks.



Ultimately we will see our children leaving for secondary school as confident historians, hungry to learn more. They will be confident in asking questions and in using historical vocabulary and will have a clear perspective of the passing of time and how the study of history impacts the present. Unit overviews will show progression of key skills through and beyond each year group. Pupil voice will show growing understanding and engagement. Celebrations of children's work on display around school, which children understand and are proud of. This will show clear progress through school.

History Skills progression across each key stage.pdf .pdf
curriculum map history and geography 2024-2025.pdf .pdf
EYFS History.pdf .pdf