The Learning Team

Meet the team:

 Back Row: Ella (Yr 3), Amaya (Yr 5), Raef (Yr 5), Boyd (Yr 4), Max (Yr 4), Alf (Yr 6), Lily (Yr 4), Isaac (Yr 3) and Kristofer (Yr 4).

Front Row: Cecilia (Reception), Sean (Reception), Miles (Nursery), Eliza (Nursery), Jack (Yr 1), Grace (Yr 2), Emily (Yr 2) and Lydia (Yr 1) 



The learning team is made up of pupils from every year group starting in Nursery right up to Year 6. They meet every half term with a member of SLT with the current focus being our school core values. So far they have chosen our key core values taken from the governor strategy that was shared with stakeholders in Summer 2021; they have helped develop the whole school core values display; developed badge designs to create a new reward system for displaying the core values; conducted a learning walk focused on pupils showing examples of these as well as how the classrooms celebrate these.  


 We love how Nursery celebrate the core values in their classroom...

We like how Mr Norton's class celebrate a member of their class who display one or more of the core values each week who is their "Core Values Star." 

Our Core Values

The learning team met with Mrs Marchington and defined each one of our core values with what they believe are child friendly definitions.