Forest School/Outdoor Learning





Welcome to Forest School

We are very fortunate at Greave to have our very own well established Forest School programme. 

The main focus of Forest School is to deliver all aspects of the curriculum in a stimulating outdoor environment.

Forest School is a long-term approach to education, for children, and young people, it maximises the benefits of learning in the outdoors. It is a fantastic process that provides opportunities and experiences for children to achieve and develop confidence, self-esteem and knowledge of our natural environment; through first hand experiences. 

Forest school gives all children at Greave the opportunity to develop key skills and confidence and the Forest School programme is delivered by our professionally trained Outdoor Leaders.



What is Forest School?

Forest School is based on the principle that children of all ages can benefit greatly from the learning opportunities inherently present in a woodland environment. Forest Schools provides opportunities in an outdoor setting for children to develop a variety of skills: particularly PSHE skills such as independence, self-discovery, communication, self-esteem and confidence building. Children learn to take risks, use their initiatives and co-operate. Beyond this, teachers can use the outdoor environment as a vehicle for art activities, key science concepts, developing physical skills and a whole lot more! In a typical session there may be an adult-led activity, but the ethos of Forest Schools also allows time for children to follow their own learning pathways and interests and adults then support them in their learning.


Forest School Leader

J.B is Greave's very own Forest School Leader


Our Ethos

‘The Forest in the dip’ is a welcoming place where there are opportunities for all children to develop an appreciation and understanding of the wonders of our natural environment; through a process of discovery and exploration.

We believe everybody should have regular, long-term access to a woodland or natural environment which provides them with inspirational and challenging outdoor learning opportunities. Forest School offers a learner-centred approach, where children can learn through self-directed play and exploration. Children will be given the opportunity to develop their curiosity, confidence, self-esteem, creativity, empathy, communication skills, knowledge of the natural environment and ability to assess risk.

Learners will be developing lifelong skills that will be transferable through schooling and into adult hood including: developing confidence, self-esteem, creativity, empathy developing social skills through team work, communicating, discussing and reflecting.

Our Forest School takes place in a dedicated area of the school grounds, beyond the playground area and adjacent to the school playing field and the school’s perimeter fence.


Our activities will depend on the ability and experience of participants. Examples of Forest School activities include:

Woodland management

Environmental exploration

Nature exploration

Building dens and other structures

Fires and cooking

Games and invitations for imaginative play and discovery

Natural crafts

Using tools, such as knives and saws

Scavenger hunts and adventure

Seasonal celebrations

Creative storytelling





What does my child need to participate?

All children will need to wear clothing appropriate for the weather conditions. A long sleeved top, long trousers and a waterproof coat and over trousers. During the warmer conditions lighter tops may be worn, along with a sun hat and sun cream.

Wellies or walking boots must be worn at all times.



We love helpers at Forest School and have had mums, dads, grandmas, grandpas, aunties and uncles come along and join in our sessions - this is great as we like to have a high ratio of adults to children during forest school!

If you are available to help with any of the forest school sessions, please contact the school office detailing times you are free.

Rules of Greave Primary School Forest School

We look after our Forest School

We stay within the boundaries

We respect each other

No bullying

We always try our best

Cancellation Procedure 

Forest School will be cancelled if the Level 3 Forest School Leader is absent.

The sessions will also be cancelled in extreme weather conditions, i.e. thunder and lightning and high winds (Beaufort Scale 5 and above), extreme and prolonged low temperatures.

The sessions take place during school time and therefore if a last minute cancellation is made the children will continue with their normal classroom routine.
In the event that it is known that the session will be cancelled parents and children will be notified about this in advance. Contact will be made via the school office through the usual channels incl. text message and an update above the timetable on this Forest School page.

Parents will be notified by text message at 7am if the session will be cancelled.


Weather and Clothing

Clothing advice will be given to participants and their parents/carers prior to the visit e.g.

Winter: waterproofs/coats, fleece/jumper, hats and gloves

Summer: waterproofs, fleece, sun hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, long sleeved tops and trousers

Footwear: wellies or strong/sturdy (ideally waterproof) outdoor shoes and warm woollen or man-made fibre socks (not cotton).

Where possible, we will keep spare sets of waterproofs in case of a participant arriving without adequate protection.

Please contact school if you need any assistance with appropriate clothing