Children’s Mental Health
Here at Greave we believe It is important that children are encouraged and supported to look after their mental health every day. Being mentally healthy means that we feel good about ourselves, make and keep positive relationships with others.
Promoting good mental health allows children to cope with life's ups and downs, to feel in control of their lives and to ask for help from others when they need support.
“As well as class activities and assemblies we have a number of ways we promote wellbeing in school”
All of our pupils participate in yoga lessons. The evidence of yoga practice among children indicates improved benefits in concentration, stress
alleviation, self-awareness, behavioural and emotional maturity, and self-confidence in everyday life
Forest School
Our weekly Forest School sessions are hugely popular with pupils. Spending time outdoors not only makes you happier it can lead to an increased sense of vitality. It has also been found to have a calming effect on the mind, spark creativity and improve attention and focus
Pet Therapy
Pet therapy takes place at Greave once a week and lots of our pupils benefit from this interaction. Studies have shown that such interactions can increase the mood-boosting
hormones Oxycontin and dopamine and decrease the stress hormone cortisol
Art Sessions
Art sessions takes place twice a week and aims to give pupils a safe time and non-judgemental place with a trained artist and counsellor to help pupils make sense of things and understand themselves better, help to resolve complicated feelings, or find ways to live with them and help pupils communicate and express themselves, which might Include feelings or experiences they
find hard to put into words
Pastoral Manager
Our Pastoral Manager Mrs Clarke is always on hand to offer support or be a listening ear for both pupils and parents/carers of Greave Primary.
You can contact Mrs Clarke by email -
Our door is always open.