Design & Technology


The new national curriculum describes a genuine design and technology experience in terms of 6 interrelated principles: user: purpose; functionality; design decisions; innovation and authenticity. In real terms, this means designing and making something, for someone, for some purpose.

At Greave Primary School, we try to link our design projects to other curriculum areas so that they have a genuine purpose. The children will develop skills in drawing, cutting, joining, reinforcing and combining materials. Whilst existing products are our starting point, children are encouraged to think beyond familiar designs. Their ideas may be communicated in many different ways and innovation in design is encouraged.

 Wherever possible their learning will be linked to a relevant context such as home or industry for food technology or leisure for a toy. Cookery, in particular combining savoury ingredients, will support Greave’s approach to healthy eating.

The children will make a range of products that can be used in various contexts and therefore their success can be evaluated and improvements suggested.



  • Each project from Year 1 - Year 6 will follow the design process: research, design, make and evaluate.

  • Key skills and knowledge for Design & Technology have been mapped across the school to ensure clear progression through the year groups.

  • A range of skills will be taught ensuring that children are aware of health and safety issues related to the tasks undertaken.

  • Clear and appropriate cross-curricular links underpin learning, giving the children opportunities to learn life skills and apply skills to ‘hands on’ situations in a purposeful context.

  • Independent learning: In design technology children may well be asked to solve problems and develop their learning independently. This allows the children to have ownership over their curriculum and lead their own learning in Design Technology.

  • Collaborative learning: In design and technology children may well be asked to work as part of a team learning to support and help one another towards a challenging, yet rewarding goal.



  • Our children will have clear enjoyment and confidence in Design and Technology that they will then apply to other areas of the curriculum.

  • Children will ultimately know more, remember more and understand more about Design Technology, demonstrating this knowledge when using tools or skills in other areas of the curriculum and in opportunities out of school.

  • The large majority of children will achieve age related expectations in Design and Technology.

  • As designers children will develop skills and attributes they can use beyond school and into adulthood.


Joy Lane Primary School - Design Technology (DT)


Curriculum Overview


Click here for the Progression of Skills document for D&T (Y1 - Y6)

Click here to see the Key Vocabulary used in each year group for D&T (Y1 - Y6)

National Curriculum


Design & Technology in EYFS 

Art and Design in the EYFS is covered in the ‘Expressive Arts and Design’ aspect of the curriculum.

Expressive Arts and Design is used to develop a child's imagination, creativity, and ability to use media and materials. Children do this in a range of ways including playing with colours, textures and design.


Click here for Design & Technology in the EYFS document

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See what we've been getting up to in Design & Technology

Pictures coming soon...