Greave's Digital Leaders


Year 4: Finally B, Sophia, Jacob

Year 5:  Elise, Faye, Isaac

Year 6: Charlie, Nia, Isobel, daisy 




Roles and Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for maintaining and teaching other children at Greave how to use the computer suite appropriately.
  • Teach/ help others during Computing lessons.
  • Be responsible for collecting and returning the iPads when it’s their classes turn to use them.
  • Offer support to teachers during assemblies
  • Report broken or damaged equipment to their class teacher
  • Review apps and make recommendations.
  • Help promote Online Safety as Greave.

Greave's Digital Leaders


Year 4: Finally B, Sophia, Jacob

Year 5:  Elise, Faye, Isaac

Year 6: Charlie, Nia, Isobel, daisy 




Roles and Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for maintaining and teaching other children at Greave how to use the computer suite appropriately.
  • Teach/ help others during Computing lessons.
  • Be responsible for collecting and returning the iPads when it’s their classes turn to use them.
  • Offer support to teachers during assemblies
  • Report broken or damaged equipment to their class teacher
  • Review apps and make recommendations.
  • Help promote Online Safety as Greave.