Welcome to the Reception Class Page

Miss Terry & Mrs Sander 

Welcome to Reception

Get to know the Reception Team 

Miss Terry Reception Teacher    Mrs Sander Reception Teacher

Miss Terry & Mrs Sander are the Reception teachers. This is our 6th year of working together in Reception! 

Working alongside us this year will be Mrs McLoughlin, Mrs Norris, Miss Sherwood, Miss Coles and Miss Townsend, who will be our teaching assistants in Reception.


We have an exciting year ahead of us in Reception and we will be covering lots of topics, from 'The Seasons' to 'Space' and beyond. It’s sure to be a busy year!

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us on our Class Dojo pages or you can email us at:




Alternatively, you can always speak to us on the door in the morning or at the end of the school day.

We are always here to support you and your family! 

Best wishes, 

Miss Terry & Mrs Sander

Topic Web

Class Timetable

Dough Disco

With a daily Dough Disco, children's brains learn to control their fingers a lot quicker, resulting in improved fine motor and literacy skills.

Visit 'Spread The Happiness' on YouTube follow along with the videos at home!


Tales Toolkit

Tales Toolkit is a learning tool used in EYFS to develop children's storytelling and narrative skills. 

Tales Toolkit - A Guide for Parents and Carers 


Early Years Curriculum Information

EYFS Framework 

Development Matters 

EYFS - A Guide for Parents and Carers



Reception Baseline Assessment 

This information is for parents about the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) which became statutory for all schools from September 2021.

Your child will undertake the RBA within their first six weeks of Reception.


What to Expect When


This guide is for parents of children from birth to five years old.

It will help you find out more about your child’s learning and development in the EYFS.


For general advice and enquiries you can contact the Health Visiting and School Nursing advice line. 

For the detail of our School Nurse, please contact the school office.

School Nurse Information

Useful links to support learning at home

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ (to support reading)
https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ (to support reading – suitable for EYFS) - iPad app is free at present.
https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/writingRunway/index.html (ICT games - KS1 based)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize (support all areas of learning – suitable for EYFS)
https://www.bl.uk/# (British Library- suitable for EYFS)
http://www.ictgames.com/ (ICT games to support Maths and English – suitable for EYFS)
https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/ (to support reading – suitable for EYFS)
https://www.nhs.uk/change4life (to support healthy lifestyles – suitable for EYFS)
https://monsterphonics.com/games/ (to support phonics – suitable for EYFS)
https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb (FREE TRIAL to support spelling)
https://www.mathshed.com/en-gb (FREE TRIAL to support maths – suitable for EYFS)
https://stories.audible.com/start-listen (FREE audible books - Littlest Listeners suitable for EYFS)

Welcome to the Reception Class Page

Miss Terry & Mrs Sander 

Welcome to Reception

Get to know the Reception Team 

Miss Terry Reception Teacher    Mrs Sander Reception Teacher

Miss Terry & Mrs Sander are the Reception teachers. This is our 6th year of working together in Reception! 

Working alongside us this year will be Mrs McLoughlin, Mrs Norris, Miss Sherwood, Miss Coles and Miss Townsend, who will be our teaching assistants in Reception.


We have an exciting year ahead of us in Reception and we will be covering lots of topics, from 'The Seasons' to 'Space' and beyond. It’s sure to be a busy year!

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us on our Class Dojo pages or you can email us at:




Alternatively, you can always speak to us on the door in the morning or at the end of the school day.

We are always here to support you and your family! 

Best wishes, 

Miss Terry & Mrs Sander

Topic Web

Class Timetable

Dough Disco

With a daily Dough Disco, children's brains learn to control their fingers a lot quicker, resulting in improved fine motor and literacy skills.

Visit 'Spread The Happiness' on YouTube follow along with the videos at home!


Tales Toolkit

Tales Toolkit is a learning tool used in EYFS to develop children's storytelling and narrative skills. 

Tales Toolkit - A Guide for Parents and Carers 


Early Years Curriculum Information

EYFS Framework 

Development Matters 

EYFS - A Guide for Parents and Carers



Reception Baseline Assessment 

This information is for parents about the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) which became statutory for all schools from September 2021.

Your child will undertake the RBA within their first six weeks of Reception.


What to Expect When


This guide is for parents of children from birth to five years old.

It will help you find out more about your child’s learning and development in the EYFS.


For general advice and enquiries you can contact the Health Visiting and School Nursing advice line. 

For the detail of our School Nurse, please contact the school office.

School Nurse Information

Useful links to support learning at home

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ (to support reading)
https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ (to support reading – suitable for EYFS) - iPad app is free at present.
https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/writingRunway/index.html (ICT games - KS1 based)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize (support all areas of learning – suitable for EYFS)
https://www.bl.uk/# (British Library- suitable for EYFS)
http://www.ictgames.com/ (ICT games to support Maths and English – suitable for EYFS)
https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/ (to support reading – suitable for EYFS)
https://www.nhs.uk/change4life (to support healthy lifestyles – suitable for EYFS)
https://monsterphonics.com/games/ (to support phonics – suitable for EYFS)
https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb (FREE TRIAL to support spelling)
https://www.mathshed.com/en-gb (FREE TRIAL to support maths – suitable for EYFS)
https://stories.audible.com/start-listen (FREE audible books - Littlest Listeners suitable for EYFS)

Welcome to the Reception Class Page

Miss Terry & Mrs Sander 

Welcome to Reception

Get to know the Reception Team 

Miss Terry Reception Teacher    Mrs Sander Reception Teacher

Miss Terry & Mrs Sander are the Reception teachers. This is our 6th year of working together in Reception! 

Working alongside us this year will be Mrs McLoughlin, Mrs Norris, Miss Sherwood, Miss Coles and Miss Townsend, who will be our teaching assistants in Reception.


We have an exciting year ahead of us in Reception and we will be covering lots of topics, from 'The Seasons' to 'Space' and beyond. It’s sure to be a busy year!

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us on our Class Dojo pages or you can email us at:




Alternatively, you can always speak to us on the door in the morning or at the end of the school day.

We are always here to support you and your family! 

Best wishes, 

Miss Terry & Mrs Sander

Topic Web

Class Timetable

Dough Disco

With a daily Dough Disco, children's brains learn to control their fingers a lot quicker, resulting in improved fine motor and literacy skills.

Visit 'Spread The Happiness' on YouTube follow along with the videos at home!


Tales Toolkit

Tales Toolkit is a learning tool used in EYFS to develop children's storytelling and narrative skills. 

Tales Toolkit - A Guide for Parents and Carers 


Early Years Curriculum Information

EYFS Framework 

Development Matters 

EYFS - A Guide for Parents and Carers



Reception Baseline Assessment 

This information is for parents about the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) which became statutory for all schools from September 2021.

Your child will undertake the RBA within their first six weeks of Reception.


What to Expect When


This guide is for parents of children from birth to five years old.

It will help you find out more about your child’s learning and development in the EYFS.


For general advice and enquiries you can contact the Health Visiting and School Nursing advice line. 

For the detail of our School Nurse, please contact the school office.

School Nurse Information

Useful links to support learning at home

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ (to support reading)
https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ (to support reading – suitable for EYFS) - iPad app is free at present.
https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/writingRunway/index.html (ICT games - KS1 based)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize (support all areas of learning – suitable for EYFS)
https://www.bl.uk/# (British Library- suitable for EYFS)
http://www.ictgames.com/ (ICT games to support Maths and English – suitable for EYFS)
https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/ (to support reading – suitable for EYFS)
https://www.nhs.uk/change4life (to support healthy lifestyles – suitable for EYFS)
https://monsterphonics.com/games/ (to support phonics – suitable for EYFS)
https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb (FREE TRIAL to support spelling)
https://www.mathshed.com/en-gb (FREE TRIAL to support maths – suitable for EYFS)
https://stories.audible.com/start-listen (FREE audible books - Littlest Listeners suitable for EYFS)